Welcome to the Lakes of Bellaire

  • Early Childhood Center

    Early Childhood Center

    The new Alief Early Childhood Center is being built right next to our neighborhood on the northeast corner of Howell Sugarland Road and Bellaire. These along with a second facility located just north of Horn Elementary along the Boone Loop, will open in 2022. Currently, the district is looking to acquire property for a third…

  • Walking Trail

    Walking Trail

    The walking trail is available to all Lakes of Bellaire residence everyday Mon-Sun until dusk dark. Please try to walk at a reasonable pace when using the trail, and try to travel in the same direction as other residence. Children must be supervised when using the walking trail. Bikes and motor vehicles are not allowed…

  • Trash Pickup

    Trash Pickup

    Trash pickup is on Monday and Thursday in the Lakes of Bellaire community. Texas Pride provides trash cans for every resident in the form of large black plastic cans. Your trash must be placed by the curb before 8am if you would like it to be picked up. After pickup your trash can must be…